Day 10 of 21 day fix…I am afraid of the scale.

So I have reached day 10, and I don’t see or feel any results so far, which is pretty disappointing. I’ve followed the eating plan and workouts to an almost T. I say an “almost T” because; A- yesterday was my anniversary and I had 2 bites of vegan carrot cake from New Seasons. Carrot cake on our anniversary is a tradition, so as bad as I knew I should say no, I didn’t.  It was two small bites. And B- there have been a few days that I missed eating a container or two (usually the teaspoons, orange or blue containers) – I simply forget to eat them, and by the time I think about it it’s too late in the evening to slug em’ down.

I’m not sure if that would hinder progress or not?

I asked the hubs if he noticed any changes yet, and made him promise to tell the truth, and he did, saying nope. Usually he is such a kind person that he will find a way to say that he sees an improvement of some sort – even if it’s not what I am looking for. I’m grateful he’s in my court, and supportive of all this crazy stuff I do.

Anyway, I haven’t noticed a change, and my clothes still seem to fit the same, but I have not gotten on the scale. I’m afraid if I do and I haven’t moved the needle I may go eat the entire bag of organic chocolate covered raisins I have in the freezer right now.

So keep your fingers crossed and say a few prayers for me – I’m still shooting for 10 lbs!!


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